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Single phase induction motor winding formula

  Single phase motor winding formula pdf

Single phase motor winding formula part 1 

Single phase induction motor winding formula & PDF 

coil winding data

You can see Single phase motor winding formula coilwindingdata.blogspot.com,

Today we will learn in this post
How to make Single phase motor winding formula part 2 |

Let's get started

No of coils per pole.

  • Winding is divided into poles.

The number of coils in a pole is drawn.

  1. The number of coils per pole is removed by dividing the total number of poles by the number of poles.
  2. Suppose the number of stalls winding in a motor with 36 slots and 4 poles is 6, then dividing 6 by 4 will bring the sum to 1.5.
  3. That is, the number of coils in one poll of the stating winding will be 1.5 and the number of coals in four poles will be 6. 
  4. If the motor is of two poles, then 6 divided by 2 will add up to 3 ie the number of 1 poles in the 2 poles motor will be 3 and the number of steering coils in both poles will be 6.
  5. Similarly, the number of coils per pole of running windings is also derived.
  6. Suppose the number of running winding coils in a motor with 36 slots and 4 poles is 12, then dividing 12 by 4 gives a sum of 3.  That is, the number of coils in one pole of running winding will be 3 and the number of coils in four poles will be 12.

    Number of slots for stating coils in the stator .

  1. The stator consists of 1/3 of the total slots of the stator for the starting coils.
  2. Suppose there are 36 slots in the stator of a motor, then divide 36 by 3.
  3. The sum will come to 12.
  4. This means that starting winding will be done in 12 slots. 
  5. Similarly24 slots will be counted.

  • Number of starting coils in the stator .

  1. It has been reported that the number of coils in the stator is half the number of slots.
  2. Now since the number of slots for the starting coils in a stator with 36 slots is 12, the number of starting coils will be 6, or say 12 slots will have 6 starting coils.
  3. If the motor is of two poles, the sum of 6 divided by 12 divided by 2 means that in a 2 pole motor, the number of coals of 1 pole will be 6 and the number of running coils in both poles will be 12.  
Motor winding calculation pdf

  •   Coil winding.

  1. The number of coils in a pole is different, ie the size of pitch and the number of turns of the wire.
  2. So naturally the size of the coals also varies.
  3. The same applies for both starting and running windings.
  4. The coils are winded according to the size of the pitch.
  5. In the stator of a single phase motor, first running winding and later steering winding are put.
  6. Suppose the qualification for running and starting winding of 36 slots, 4 pole motor with running pitch 5-7-9 and starting pitch 8-10.
  7. The pitch shows that the number of running coils in a pole is three and the number of starting coils is 2.
  8. To make a coil, first consider any one slot of the stator as number one.
  9. It is convenient to consider the middle slot at the bottom of the stator as the number one. running pitch is 5-7-9 to measure the running coil.
  10. Release slot numbers 1 and 2 to measure.
  11. Slot number 3 to 5 slot Count.
  12. The count will come to slot number 7. 
  13. Measurethe distance between these two slots with the compass. 
  14. Thewidth of the size of the coil will be a bit larger than the measured size.
  15. Increase the length of the coil slightly from the length of the core.
  16. Keep the length so that the coil does not come out of the body of the motor.
  17. Now count slot number 2 to 7 except slot number 1, the count will come to slot number 8.
  18. Measure the distance between these slots in a similar way, to remove the size of the coil, as it was earlier. 
  19. Now count the slot numbers 1 to 9.  This count will come to slot number 9.  Take its size as before.
  20. Measure the starting coil .. The starting pitch is 8-10.  Slot numbers count 6 to 8 slots.
  21. This count will come to 13 slots.  Similarly, count slot number 5 to 10 slot.  This count will come to 14.  
Take the distance between these slots and make coils in the same way as running coils.

Single phase induction motor winding formula PDF

Let it go before motor rewinding formula

  • Winding running coil.

  1. First decide which method to wind the coil.  If the nails have to be made in form, first of all, put four nails on a flat wooden board according to the smaller size ie slot number 3 and 7.
  2. After this, according to the size of slot number 2 and 8 larger than this, place four nails on the same board.
  3. Now according to the size of the largest size slot number 1 and 9, put four nails on the same board.  Make the shortest coil wind first.  Leave a wire of about one foot and wrap it on the nail.  Now turn the clock wise desired turn towards all the four.
  4. Do not cut the wire after the turn is completed, but wrap the desired turn around the nails attached to the coil for a larger coil.
  5. Also do not cut this wire after the turn is completed, but like the previous wire, the same wire was placed around the nails for the largest coil. 
  6. Wrapthe desired turn.  Cut the wire leaving about one foot.  In this way, a set of three coils of running winding of one pole is preparedThese three coils are linked to each other in the series.  Similarly, prepare three sets of three-three coils of the same size for the remaining three poles. 12 coils are made in total four sets.  If the winding is to be done with a wooden firm, then make the firm winded according to the size.

Putting the running coils into slots.

The stator of 36 slots has to put 12 coils in 24 slots.

  • Let's put the shortest coil first.

  1. First set of coils in Islot number 1,2,3,7,8,9.   Second set of coils in slot numbers 10, 11, 12, 16, 17,18.Third set of coils in slot number 19,20,21,25,26,27.
  2. Slot number 28,29,30,34,35, the fourth set of coil in 36 will be released.  .. The order of inserting the running coils into slots ..,, put the first set as follows.
  3. Excluding Except slot numbers 1 and 2, insert one side slot number 3 of the smallest coil and the other side slot number 7.
  4. Excluding Except slot number 1, insert one side slot number 2 of the same size of the larger size and the other side slot number 8.
  5.   Insert one side of the largest coil in slot number 1 and the other side in slot number 9.  .. Insert the second set as follows
  6. Except slot number 10 and 11, insert one side slot number 12 and the other side slot number 16 of the smallest coil. 
  7. Excluding Except slot number 10, insert one side slot number 11 and other side slot number 17 of the same size of the larger size. Insert one side of the largest coil in slot number 10 and the other side in slot number 18.

  • Insert the third set as follows.

  1. Except slot number 19 and 20, insert one side slot number 21 of the smallest coil and the other side slot number 25.  Except for I slot number 19, insert one side slot number 20 in the size of the coil and the other side slot number 26.  Put one side of the largest coil in slot number 19 and the other side in slot number 27.

  • Insert the fourth set as follows.
Motor winding data book pdf

  1. Except slot number 28 and 29, insert one side slot number 30 of the smallest coil and the other side slot number 34 of the smallest coil.
  2. Barring the A slot number 28, insert one side slot number 29 and the other side slot number 35 of the same size of the larger size.
  3. Put one side of the largest coil in Is slot number 28 and the other side in slot number 36.
  4. In this way, all running coils or running coils are set around.

  • Slot of starting coils in stator.

  1. Running coils are inserted in 24 slots.  The remaining 12 slots will be of stating coils.
  2. The slot numbers huare 4,5,6,13,14,15,22,23,24 and 31,32,33 for the stating coils.  Starting slots are inserted in these slots.
  3. Order of inserting starting coil.  .. Insert the first set as follows ...  Small coils are also put first in the staging.
  4. Put one side of the small coil in slot number 6 and the other side in slot number 13.
  5. Insert one side of the large coil in slot number 5 and the other side in slot number 14.

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